Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ready to Run

Like your men like your coffee, Irish and Steamy. Until he can't afford to buy you coffee creamer. Then it's time to run! 

Be Ready To Run From Your Current Man If He ......

1.     If he calls you the same pet name as the ex
2.     If “your song” is the same as all the others
3.     If he refuses to let you met his family
4.     If he can’t ever spend the night
5.     If his friends are always right and yours are always wrong 
6. If he can’t meet your friends because they will prove his errors
7. If he forgets your Birthday, Christmas and Valentines Day*
8.If he stands you up
9. If he blows smoke in your face
10. If he can’t ever “finish” the job
11. If he can’t ever say thank you
12. If he can’t buy you coffee creamer
13. If he can’t ever say he’s sorry
14. If he can’t ever find the “spot”
15. If he can’t say I LOVE YOU

 * If he forgets all three do yourself a favor and buy him a membership to now! 

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